Ukujonga kunye nokuchonga

I-Ankle kunye neenyawo Ukuxilongwa kwe-Arthritis & Trauma II | El Paso, TX.

Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation M/C dislocation of the foot at tarsal-metatarsal articulation (Lisfranc joint). Direct impact or landing and plantar or dorsal… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 15, 2018

Indlela iArthritis iyakwenza ngayo i-Knee

IArthritis ibonakaliswa njengokudumba kwelungu elinye okanye amaninzi. Ezona mpawu zixhaphakileyo zesifo samathambo zibandakanya iintlungu kunye… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 14, 2018

I-Ankle & Iinyawo Ukuchonga Ukujonga Ukuphefumula I-Arthritis & I-Trauma I | El Paso, TX.

Ankle Fractures 10% of all fractures. 2nd m/c following femoral neck Fx. Demographics: active young males and older osteoporotic females… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 13, 2018

I-Arthritis ye-Knee: Ukujonga ukujonga ukujonga ii-II El Paso, TX.

Sagittal Fluid Sensitivity Sagittal Fluid Sensitive MR slice showing large synovial popliteal (Baker's) cyst (above top image) and sizeable synovial… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 8, 2018

I-Arthritis ye-Knee: Ukujonga ukujonga ukujonga I-I El Paso, TX.

Degenerative Knee Arthritis Knee Arthritis Knee OA (arthrosis) is the m/c symptomatic OA with 240 cases per 100,000, 12.5% of… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 6, 2018

Izikhalazo zeKnee: Indlela yokuFumanisa indlela yokujonga iziqu neNeeplasms

Bone Neoplasms Tumor-Like Conditions Bone neoplasms and tumor-like conditions affecting the knee can be benign or malignant. Age at Dx… Funda Okuninzi

Novemba 2, 2018

I-Knee Pain & Acute Trauma I-Diagnosis Ukufanekisa Icandelo II | El Paso, TX

Meniscal Tears   Acute or chronic. Imaged with MRI (95% sensitivity & 81% specificity) Menisci are formed by a composition… Funda Okuninzi

Oktobha 31, 2018